Product Catalog

Fishbiotic Cephalexin





Use for Gil Rot, Columnaris, Dropsy, Infected Eyes, Skin Ulcerations, and Gil Disease. Safe for marine and freshwater aquariums.

Fishbiotic Amoxicillin

500 mg
  • A bacterial antibiotic effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as well as pathogenic bacteria.
  • Used for infected eyes fins or tail rot skin ulcerations pop-eye columnaris disease and gill disease.

Fishbiotic Ciprofloxacin

250 mg.

A bacterial antibiotic effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as well as pathogenic bacteria.

Used for infected eyes fins or tail rot skin ulcerations pop-eye columnaris disease and gill disease.

Fishbiotic Penicillin

250 mg

Bacterial antibiotic effective against gram-positive and -negative bacteria, and a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with marine and freshwater ornamental fish diseases. 

Floating Fish Formula 

  • Manufacturer: Sportman's Choice

Floating Fish Formula is a highly palatable catfish feed for maximum intake and viewing. This fish feed is fortified with stabilized vitiamins (high levels of vitamin C, E, D, and B complex) to ensure fish are receving the correct nutrient balance to support rapid growth. This special formula was designed to enchance digestibility and nutrient absorption.